Middle Tennessee Music gives Concrete a stellar review

Walking the Concrete Sea with Elisa Korenne by Joshua Smotherman at Middle Tennessee Music Sometimes it’s better to just let the original words speak for themselves. Here’s a quote from Elisa’s bio: She’s earned songwriting awards from the Plowshares Songwriting...

The Certifiable Wenches gave Concrete 5 stars

A five star review by the most wonderfully named reviewers: the Certifiable Wenches.  Read it below, or check out their blog here. Album Review: Elisa Korenne – Concrete Elisa Koreene has been hailed as a mixture of Natalie Merchant and Aimee Mann., and if that...

Concrete – Review by Along the Journey

Review: Elisa Korenne – Concrete September 27, 2013 By Andrew Greenhalgh on the Along the Way blog http://andrewgreenhalgh.blogspot.com/2013/09/review-elisa-korenne-concrete.html Some artists are great musicians, crafting sweeping, stirring arrangements that...

Radio Interview on Music and Veggie recipes

Elisa will be appearing on The Backstage Gourmet Radio Show on HealthyLife.net radio on Monday, October 7.  At 1pm PST, host PJ Grimes will be talking with Elisa about her new album Concrete and her favorite vegetarian recipes.  Tune in to learn why Elisa likes to put...

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