Keep It in My Heart
Music and lyrics by Elisa Korenne

When words can’t get through
Your secret’s in the way of you
Just tell it to me true
I’ll keep it in my heart

You got nothing to lose
You got nothing to prove
I’m devoted to you
I’ll keep it in my heart

I’ll take your burden in cupped hands
Hold it gently and understand
I won’t make any demands

I can share the weight
Help you keep it safe
Weighs less to me anyway
I’ll keep it in my heart

Away from prying eyes and thoughts
Away from what it cost
Regain what you have lost
I’ll keep it in my heart

I’ll take your burden in cupped hands
Hold it gently and understand
I won’t make any demands

What you carry glints in moonlight
It won’t come out till the deep dark night
A prison guard is still in prison
(beat) Let go of what you’ve hidden
What you keep inside keeps you

(Time to) release your ghosts
Free your shadows, come home
You don’t have to be alone
I’ll keep it in my heart

Put your secret to rest
Here beneath my breast
Harbored and blessed
I’ll keep it in my heart

I’ll take your burden in cupped hands
I’ll hold it gently and understand
I won’t make any demands

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