Lean Into the Curve
Music and lyrics by Elisa Korenne

(It’s coming up too) fast
Can’t turn back
Too late to break
Can’t even fake it
Heading straight
Now it’s too late
Wanna go home
Gotta stay on the road

Lean into the curve
When you’ve lost your nerve
Centripetal force will keep you steady
Soon you will be ready

Ride myself too hard
Always on guard
Pretend to steer
All I do is veer
Can’t see past the bend
Scared to hit a dead end
Gotta let it go
Gotta trust in the road

Lean into the curve
When you’ve lost your nerve
Centripetal force will keep you steady
Soon you will be ready

We’re made to bend
So we don’t break
We’re make to learn
From our mistakes
Don’t give up now
You’re half way there
It’s just another way
To get there

Lean into the curve
When you’ve lost your nerve
Centripetal force will keep you steady
Soon you will be ready

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