You are brilliant and beautiful, handsome and wise. All this flattery is to get you to write reviews for my book on Amazon and Goodreads. Authors depend on online reviews to help sell books. Amazon claims that 85% of readers rely on online reviews before making an order.
Please help me get the word out about Hundred Miles to Nowhere.

How to Write a Book Review on Amazon
- Go to the Amazon page for Hundred Miles.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page where the review section lives.
- Click on the yellow button that says: Write a customer review. (You will have to sign into Amazon).
- Then write. Anything will do. The book needs YOU!
- Press submit.
- (Optional:) Copy the review onto your computer in order to put the same one on Goodreads
How to Write a Book Review on Goodreads
- Navigate to my Goodreads page for Hundred Miles. (Make sure you are logged in to Goodreads, or, if you don’t have an account, create one for yourself.)
- Underneath the book’s profile picture on the top left, rate the book using the stars.
- The “want to read” button will automatically be replaced with a “write a review” link. Click that link.
- Write your review in the review box that will appear.
- Save your review to Goodreads.
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